All five of our schools have been collecting gently used winter coats and jackets over the past 2 weeks as part of our Winter Coat Drive. We have received a considerable amount of donated coats and jackets and would like to give these coats to students in need. If your child is in need of a winter coat or jacket, please complete this so that we can assist you. Please contact our school social worker, Kristin Dunnigan (, with any questions or concerns.
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
winter coat drive
Thank you for 65 handmade hats for those in need! Way to go BES! Please bring your donations of hats, gloves & mittens to the 5th grade hallway by December 15.
about 2 years ago, Byrd Elementary School
hat donation
Byrd Families, Please see the weekly update here:
about 2 years ago, Kristin Dunnigan
Happy Thanksgiving!
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Happy Thanksgiving!
Multiple community resources are available 24/7 if you need them during the upcoming holiday break.
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
mental health matters
Our Winter Program will be held on Monday, December 5 at 6 PM in the Goochland High School auditorium! Come out & see the musical play “Finding Dancer and Prancer”! Our Winter Program will be featuring students from grades 2-5 and the 4th & 5th grade BES Chorus.
about 2 years ago, Byrd Elementary School
Winter Program icon
Contact the Goochland/Powhatan Community Services Board if you need assistance by calling 804-556-3716 or 804-598-2697.
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
gratitude practices
Please take care of yourself during the upcoming holiday break. If you need assistance, please call or text 988.
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
grief and loss
If you have not already done so, please take a moment to share your thoughts on our school division's budget as we prepare our spending plan for next year.
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Thank you to our employees, students, families, and community supporters who contribute to the excellence of @glndschools! Your investment of time, effort, and resources in our community's students make Goochland #stronGer!
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
American Education Week
Feel free to reach out to @glndschools counselors and support team if you need assistance.
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
self care tips
We see miracles every day across our school division. Who makes these miracles happen? Every member of Team Goochland! Thank you for EVERYTHING you do!
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
GCPS Stronger
BES will be collecting new (or gently used) scarves, mittens/gloves & hats for those that may otherwise be cold. Bring your donations to the boxes in the 5th grade hallway by December 15. Thank you to 5th grade for organizing another opportunity to help our community.
about 2 years ago, Byrd Elementary School
Winter Collection Icon
There was a lot of team spirit this morning at the VSBA 5K in Williamsburg! Thank you, Ms. Horn, for our Bulldog accessories!
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
school board
As we approach the upcoming holiday season, we wanted to provide you with some community resources in case you may need assistance. Wishing you health and wellness!
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Congratulations to @GoochlandHigh Senior and Student School Board Representative, Alexander Peskin, for winning the @VaSchoolboards exhibitor’s scholarship! #excellence
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Alexander Peskin
Alexander Peskin
Thank you to our support staff who keep our schools running smoothly and ensure students have clean and comfortable classrooms, access to healthy meals, working technology, and safe transport to and from school! Your efforts to make @glndschools are greatly appreciated!
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
support professionals thank you
Take a moment to review this Fall's Annual Report to Our Community that includes profiles of our alumni and other important information regarding the work being done @glndschools.
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Annual Report
As we all work together to maximize each student's potential, families and community members can help make the GCPS instructional program even stronger by volunteering, sharing expertise, and working with students. We are all in this together! Strong schools = strong community
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
Strong community
As we have in the past, we ask for everyone's assistance in supporting a healthy school environment - stay home when sick, wash hands, cover your cough/sneeze. We can get through this together!
about 2 years ago, Jeremy Raley
stay home when sick