We are excited to offer an after-school running program for our 3rd-5th grade boys this spring! Boys on the Move focuses on teaching boys to be their best selves all while training for a 5K! You can learn more and sign up here: https://forms.gle/ANuy2VUozza7QmSz9
Byrd Families,
Please see the weekly update here: https://www.smore.com/gtpw6
Mrs. Megan Proffitt, math teacher at Goochland High School, was named Goochland County Public Schools 2023 Teacher of the Year today! https://www.goochlandschools.org/article/968905
Come join Team @glndschools to inspire the next generation to make a positive impact! Learn more about what it takes to be a member of our All Star Team at our job fair beginning at 9 a.m. on February 25 @GoochlandHigh https://www.goochlandschools.org/page/jobs
Thank you to all @glndschools principals & assistant principals for your tireless efforts to provide a safe & welcoming school environment focused on maximizing the potential of each and every one of our division's learners! We appreciate everything our do each day!
Ready to start getting one of the entrance to the new GES open!
Team @glndschools continues to lead by example as a high performing school division driven to maximize the potential of every learner. Take a moment to review this feature video published by @VASCD that captures the excellence of our division. https://youtu.be/NcBUdridtX0
Take a moment to check out this month's edition of our Family Connections Newsletter. https://www.smore.com/zumab
Let's Glow Dance! Join us for a night of music, dancing, and pizza at our LET'S GLOW DANCE! Friday, January 27 from 5PM- 7PM at the BES gym. Pre-order pizza on BES website > Payments > Online School Payments (OSP).
Please join us in thanking our building level administrators for their strong leadership in support of our students, our staff, and our families. Please know your efforts to lead our schools are valued and appreciated!
Byrd Families,
Please see the weekly update here: https://www.smore.com/zr2kwj
Local news coverage of our new Goochland Elementary School from WRIC Channel 8 https://www.wric.com/news/local-news/goochland-county-public-schools-superintendent-and-elementary-school-principal-looking-forward-to-new-building/ @GES_lions @tmccay1
Byrd Elementary School is seeking positive male role models to be a part of our Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program. Learn more about the program and sign up here: https://forms.gle/c7SSAAaeSw1g1Etn6
Reminder there is no school on Monday, January 16.
Thank you, bus drivers, for your dedicated service to our students! We are grateful for what yo do each day to keep our students safe on dark, windy, and narrow country roads!
Today @DrJRaley signed the construction contract with @Shockey_Builds for our new Goochland Elementary School, a historic moment in our school division’s history. Thank you to our Goochland community for your support of this project & your ongoing support of our school division!
@glndschools offers an MyPaymentsPlus to manage student meal accounts. Families can use this service to create a free, secured account, check current balances, monitor purchased items, & adjust settings to receive notifications. @goochland_sns
Last night, the School Board approved the construction contract for the new Goochland Elementary School! Construction will begin soon, with completion in time for the start of the 2024-2025 school year! Read more here: https://www.goochlandschools.org/article/957931
If you need assistance paying for your child's breakfast & lunch at school, review the Free & Reduced meals online application by scanning the QR Code with your phone. If you qualify, breakfast and lunch may be provided to your child at no cost! @goochland_sns
Thank you Goochland @Rotary for your generosity & support of reading @glndschools! Today, Rotarians passed out books to 4th grade students @EaglesBes as part of this annual tradition. You donation of time & resources has made us #stronGer!