Byrd Parent Group News
Tuesday, August 30 is our first Byrd Parent Group Meeting of the year. All are welcome and encouraged to attend! Pizza will be served at 5:30pm at school, and the meeting will begin at 5:45pm. Childcare is available. The Byrd Parent Group, also known as the BPG, takes the place of a PTA at Byrd Elementary School. The group is made up of parents, teachers and caregivers who work together to support the students, teachers and staff at BES by coordinating events and fundraisers, organizing school wide activities and advocating for students and staff to support programs within the school. Please see the group's welcome letter for more information about the organization.
Transportation Changes
If you have to make a change to your child's transportation arrangements for the day, please notify the office by 12:00 p.m. (emergencies only). It is important that your child arrives home safely and it is not always possible to notify the teacher or a child of a change to how they will be transported.
Visitors and Volunteers
If you are visiting or volunteering at the school, you will now need to sign in on the new management system and show your ID. Thank you for understanding we are putting the safety of our children first!
Summer Reading Forms Due
We are extending the deadline to turn in summer reading forms until 9/7! Please turn in your child’s form to school to earn a prize bag and a free ticket to the Goochland High School football game on 9/30. Students will also get to walk in a parade on the field before the game starts. You can print the form here.
Student & Family Services
If you would like to contact our School Counselor, Maddie Jackson (, or our School Social Worker, Kristin Dunnigan (, then please fill out the form linked below. The form allows families to request to talk to Mrs. Dunnigan or Mrs. Jackson if you need support or assistance (food support, school supplies, etc.).
Special message for parents of 3rd-5th grade girls
We are starting an after-school girl empowerment program called Girls on the Run! Using a research-based curriculum and working with trained coaches, students will have fun, make friends, increase their physical activity, and learn important life skills. Check out the below flyers for more information and how to register. Flyers were also sent home on Friday. Hurry, spots are limited to the first 20 girls who register!
Helpful information and Links:
Goochland County Elementary Schools Handbook
Byrd Elementary School Website
Add Money to Student Lunch Accounts (MyPayments Plus)
Pay School Fees (ex. iPad insurance for 3-5)
Click here to contact our School Counselor or Social Worker
How to Connect:
School Hours:
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Arrival: 7:45am - 8:00am
Instructional Hours: 8:00am - 2:15pm
Dismissal: 2:15pm (car riders) - 2:30pm (buses)
School Contacts:
Principal - James Hopkins
Nurse - Anne Taylor Britton
Counselor - Maddie Jackson
Office -
Tobie Greenlee, Administrative Assistant
Rebecca Wroten, Bookkeeper/Secretary