Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year! We cannot wait to welcome the students!
Please make every effort to ensure students arrive by 8:00am. Instruction will begin at 8:00am.
If you have to make a change to your child's transportation arrangements for the day, please notify the office by 12:00pm (emergencies only). It is important that your child arrives home safely and it is not always possible to notify the teachers or a child of a change.
If you are wondering about school arrival or dismissal, then please pay attention to the following information:
School doors will open for students at 7:45am. Staff will be available to help all students get safely into school and find their classrooms. Should you arrive after 8:00am, please escort your child into the main office to be signed in.
For those families that will be driving their students to and from school, please be patient and alert as you enter the car rider lanes. The beginning of the year can always be quite hectic in the parking lot as we have a larger amount of car traffic, including families that are new to BES.
All cars will enter the school parking lot in the entrance to the left of the school. Once in the parking lot, you will be directed where to drive your car. You will then follow the flow of cars into the car rider loop.
In the mornings, we will have multiple adults directing the flow of traffic and assisting students out of their cars. PLEASE WAIT TO MOVE YOUR CAR UNTIL THE CARS IN FRONT OF YOU MOVE AS WELL. No one should pull their car around another car in the loop.
In the afternoons, you will give your child’s name to the adult that is working in the parking lot. She will call your student’s name over the radio and they will be brought to the sidewalk. Once your child is in their vehicle, please wait until the cars in front of you move forward before you do.
Thank you for your attention to all of this important information, and we hope everyone has a fabulous start to the school year!
Mark your calendars!
Our first Byrd Parent Group meeting of the year on Tuesday, August 30 at 5:30pm. The meeting will take place at school. Pizza will be provided for dinner, as well as childcare during the meeting.
Turn in your Summer Reading forms by Friday, September 2, to receive a prize bag and a FREE ticket to the Goochland High School home football game on September 30th.
Helpful information and Links:
Goochland County Elementary Schools Handbook
Byrd Elementary School Website
Add Money to Student Lunch Accounts (MyPayments Plus)
Pay School Fees (ex. iPad insurance for 3-5)
How to Connect: