SOL Testing Dates:
Students in 3rd - 5th grade will start state SOL testing this week. Please make sure your students get a good night of rest, have a plan for a good breakfast, arrive on time to school, and calm any anxiety on the day of testing. We know our students are well prepared, and will do great!
This Week:
- Tuesday, May 10: Reading Grade 5
- Wednesday, May 11: Reading Grade 4
- Thursday, May 12: Reading Grade 3
- Friday, May 13: Science Grade 5
Next Week:
- Tuesday, May 17: Math Grade 4
- Wednesday, May 18: Math Grade 3
- Thursday, May 19: Math Grade 5 & 6
- Friday, May 20: VA Studies Grade 4
School Absences
Please continue to notify the office to report reasons for all absences! There are many different ways to report your student’s absence.
You can email Tobie Greenlee ( or email Nurse Britton (
You can also call the office (804-556-5380)
Or fill out the BES Reason for Student Absence Form
Early Dismissals
If you have to make a change to your child's transportation arrangements for the day, please notify the office by 1:00 p.m. (emergencies only). It is important that your child arrives home safely and it is not always possible to notify the teacher's or a child of a change to how they will be transported.