Health Screening Reminder
Please remember to keep students home when they experience ANY Covid symptoms listed on the Health Screening Form below, and follow up with Nurse Britton to make a plan for returning to school. Remember to check over the Health Screening Questions each day.
Please continue to notify the office to report reasons for all absences! There are many different ways to report your student’s absence.
You can email Tobie Greenlee ( or email Nurse Britton (
You can also call the office (804-556-5380)
Or fill out the BES Reason for Student Absence Form
Early Dismissals
If you have to make a change to your child's transportation arrangements for the day, please
notify the office by 1:00 p.m. (emergencies only). It is important that your child arrives home safely and it is not always possible to notify the teacher's or a child of a change to how they will be transported.
Go Nuts for Reading
Students who turned in completed bookmarks will bring home tickets MONDAY to the Flying Squirrels game. The game is Wednesday night! Please see the flyer for more information regarding game time and our school seating section. Students who want to be in the on field parade should arrive by 5:30. It isn’t too late to purchase tickets to the game. Purchase additional tickets for the GCPS Game Night at the Diamond! Please contact Zoe Parrish ( if you have any questions.
Byrd Parent Group
Our Byrd Parent Group will meet this Tuesday, April 12th at 6:30pm. We will meet virtually using Google Meet. Meeting link: Join by phone: +1 225-434-0176 (PIN: 425724706)
This week Friday, April 15 is an early release day for students at 12:30 PM.
Monday, April 18 is a student holiday/teacher workday.
Kindergarten Registration for 2022-23 School Year
Kindergarten Registration is this Thursday, April 14, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Spirit Night
We have a school spirit night event planned for Tuesday, April 19th from 3-9pm at Gelati Celesti in Short Pump. We hope you can come for some ice cream because a portion of the sales will benefit our school!
Yearbooks are now on sale for $18.00 until April 22nd.
There are several yearbook purchasing options:
Send yearbook envelopes to the office with payment
Log on to OSP Code:10310622
Byrd Art Show
Mark your calendar for our Byrd Art Show on Tuesday, April 26th from 5-7pm. All students will have artwork on display, and there will be free dinner and prizes. The book fair will be open for shopping.
Pre-School Application for 2022-23 School Year
Families can apply through an online form available at To learn more about GCPS preschool visit