Weekly Update icon

Health Screening Reminder

Please remember to keep students home when they experience ANY Covid symptoms listed on the Health Screening Form below, and follow up with Nurse Britton to make a plan for returning to school.  Remember to check over the Health Screening Questions each day.

Health Screening Questions

Please continue to notify the office to report reasons for all absences!  There are many different ways to report your student’s absence.

  1. You can email Tobie Greenlee (tgreenlee@glnd.k12.va.us) or email Nurse Britton (abritton@glnd.k12.va.us).
  2. You can also call the office (804-556-5380)
  3. Or fill out the BES Reason for Student Absence Form

Balanced Calendar 2.0 Meeting

Dr. Raley will be hosting a Google Meet with our community on Tuesday, March 15 at 6pm to discuss our new balanced calendar 2.0.  The link to join is: meet.google.com/gwk-jvii-xmv

Balanced Calendar 2.0 Meet Link

Boundary Adjustment Process

GCPS is currently in the planning process to open a new Goochland Elementary School in August 2024. The new school will be built with expanded capacity to alleviate overcrowding at the division's other elementary schools. Modifying attendance boundaries will move students to balance school enrollments.
To gather additional input, a community meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 16 in the Goochland High School auditorium starting at 6 p.m. The committee’s two draft maps will be available for review and additional information will be provided to attendees.
A Boundary Adjustment Steering Committee made up of parents, community representatives, and staff was selected to review boundary options and make a recommendation to the Superintendent. The School Board will be presented with the Superintendent's recommendation in May and is scheduled to vote on new attendance boundaries in June 2022.
Please take a moment before March 23 to complete the attached survey.  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r...
The purpose of this survey is to gather feedback regarding a set of boundary options. The school locator link provided will allow you to search by address and view the proposed boundaries in greater detail. PLEASE NOTE: NO DECISIONS HAVE BEEN MADE, AND THIS SURVEY IS INTENDED TO ENCOURAGE DISCUSSION AND FEEDBACK. All feedback will be reviewed prior to a final recommendation being made. 

Elementary Boundary Adjustment Survey

2021-2022 Yearbooks

Yearbooks are now on sale for $18.00 until April 22nd. 
There are several yearbook purchasing options:

Go Nuts for Reading with the Flying Squirrels

Turn in your completed Go Nuts for Reading ticket by March 25th!  Purchase additional tickets for the GCPS Game Night at the Diamond!

Kindergarten Registration for 2022-23 School Year

Kindergarten Registration 2022

Proof of Residency

Pre-School Application for 2022-23 School Year

GCPS is now accepting applications for its preschool programs for the 2022-23 school year. Families can apply through an online form available at https://tinyurl.com/GCPSPreschool To learn more about GCPS preschool visit https://goochlandschools.org/page/preschool

Preschool Enrollment Now Open Icon

Click here to see the March Family Connections Newsletter.

Click here to see the March Counselor Connection Newsletter.

Community Events

Eggstravaganza Event