Health Screening Reminder
Please remember to keep students home when they experience ANY Covid symptoms listed on the Health Screening Form below, and follow up with Nurse Britton to make a plan for returning to school. Remember to check over the Health Screening Questions each day.
If you have a child who has tested positive for COVID, please complete this form and our school health team will follow up with you.
Heart Healthy
Last week BES sponsored a blood drive for GCPS faculty and staff and collected 39 units of blood to help our community.
This week students will practice being heart healthy. Monday while at recess we are asking classes to walk as much as possible! We are trying to create habits for healthy hearts and bodies! There will be water and fruit to replenish ourselves throughout the walk! Also, it is Kindness Week! Be sure to see the flyer below to know what to wear for each day.
Go Nuts for Reading with the Flying Squirrels
Students should submit completed Go Nuts for Reading bookmarks by Friday, March 25th, for a free ticket to the Flying Squirrels baseball game on Wednesday, April 13th (the Flying Squirrels only had Wednesday dates for school events). Families can purchase additional tickets for $10 to the game using the link below. Each ticket purchased earns $4 for our school! Purchase additional tickets for the GCPS Game Night at the Diamond!
Pre-School Application for 2022-23 School Year
GCPS is now accepting applications for its preschool programs for the 2022-23 school year. Families can apply through an online form available at To learn more about GCPS preschool visit
Byrd Parent Group News
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, March 8th, at 6:30 to join us for our next virtual meeting with the Byrd Parent Group.
Join with Google Meet:
Join by phone: +1 650-758-7820 (PIN: 960431310)
Autism Awareness T-Shirt Update
In April Byrd will recognize and celebrate Autism Awareness. If you would like to order a t-shirt, then please visit this site by Thursday, February 17. Shirt orders must be placed by February 17th, so we can receive the shirts in time for April.