Please remember to keep students home when they experience ANY Covid symptoms listed on the Health Screening Form, and follow up with Nurse Britton to make a plan for returning to school. Remember to check over the Health Screening Questions each day.
If you have a child who has tested positive for COVID, please complete this form and our school health team will follow up with you.
Nutzy from the Richmond Flying Squirrels baseball team will be at Byrd to kick off our next reading program! Each student will receive a bookmark that has eight (8) helmets on the front. Students will color in a helmet for every book they read! Once the student colors in all eight (8) helmets, a parent, guardian or teacher will sign the bookmark. The student will submit the bookmark to their teacher no later than Friday, March 25th. All students who turn in a completed bookmark will earn a FREE ticket the GCPS night at the Diamond on Wednesday, April 13th. Families can purchase additional tickets for $10 to the game using the link below. Each ticket purchased earns $4 for our school! Purchase additional tickets for the GCPS Game Night at the Diamond!
We hope to see you Friday, February 11th for Byrd’s Winter Ball. It will be an outside event for kids and families, and we need volunteers to make it great! Please consider signing up to help out. Byrd’s Winter Ball Volunteer Signup.
The week of February 14-18 we will have a spirit week at Byrd!
Click here to see the February Family Engagement Newsletter.
Click here to see the February Family Connections Newsletter.
GCPS is hosting a virtual job fair February 22 - 24, 2022. For more information on how to participate, please see the article linked on the GCPS website. Pass the word along if you know anyone interested in working with our school system!