Please remember to check over the Health Screening Questions each day. Check to make sure your student has a properly fitting, clean mask for school each day and a back up. If your student is absent you should call the front office or school nurse (804) 556-5380.
If you are planning to volunteer with school this year you need to fill out our electronic volunteer approval form. This includes chaperones of field trips. Click here to complete the quick form.
The week of October 18th-22nd will be a big week at Byrd Elementary School. We will host a Book Fair and recognize World Bullying Prevention Month. We will celebrate both events with Fairy Tale Week. Students will enjoy poster contests, dress-up days, and daily trivia. Please see the flyer below on Fairy Tale Week for more information. Our big event that week is Tuesday night. Families are invited to come in costume to trick-or-treat at school. Dinner will be provided for families as well as a Kona ice ticket for each student (additional Kona ice purchases are allowed). The Book Fair will be open for shopping as well. We will have raffles at the Book Fair, and plenty of fun and excitement throughout the building. We hope to see you there between 5:00 and 7:00! Please RSVP for the event using this link so we can have an accurate count for dinner.
The Book Fair is the largest fundraiser for our library program, and it funds the purchase of library books, reading programs for students, and fun reading themed events for the school. Please consider volunteering at the Book Fair. No experience is necessary, and each volunteer gets 10% at the fair on every purchase. Click here to sign up for as many volunteer spots as you would like!
If you would like to join the Byrd Parent Group (BPG) then please join us for our second meeting of the year! Everyone who would like to help make this school year amazing for our students is welcome! We are meeting virtually for the time being using Google Meet.
Meeting information:
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers: (US)+1 601-751-2256
PIN: 694 731 683#
Families, please see the first installment of our monthly family engagement newsletter at the link below. October's newsletter focuses on engaging children in social-emotional learning at home. Family Engagement Newsletter
Spirit Wear is now available! Simply this site to complete your order. Please make sure to fill in the Homeroom Teacher portion when choosing your size and color. Items will be delivered to students at school. If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Rush (
The fall window for Gifted Referral forms is the month of October. Parents can find referral forms on the GCPS website, as well as on Mrs. Eaton's Eagles' Nest website.
The Science Museum of Virginia is offering a Q&A session on kids and the COVID-19 Vaccine. For more information visit this site.
Helpful information:
List of Important Dates for the 2021-2022 School Year (will be updated frequently)
Byrd Family Engagement Policy
Byrd Handbook
Goochland Elementary Schools Handbook
School Lunch Menu (breakfast and lunch free for all interested students)
Meet our Faculty and Staff
School Hours:
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Arrival: 7:45am - 8:00am
Instructional Hours: 8:00am - 2:30pm
Dismissal: 2:30pm
School Contacts:
Principal - James Hopkins
Nurse - Anne Taylor Britton
Counselor - Ashley Lawson
Office -
Tobie Greenlee, Administrative Assistant
Rebecca Wroten, Bookkeeper/Secretary
School Number: (804) 556-5380