Please remember to check over the Health Screening Questions each day (see image below). Also, everyone must wear a mask when inside the building. Remember to send your child with a clean mask and back. Students should also bring a water bottle, as we do not have water fountains at school this year. If your student is absent you should call the front office or school nurse.
Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 21st from 5:30-7:00pm for our Byrd Elementary School Open House. It will be a fun evening to see classrooms, check out student work, and visit with teachers. We hope you will be able to come by with your student!
Families, please see the attached link to Byrd's family engagement policy. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please direct them to Mrs. Kristin Dunnigan, School Social Worker/Family Engagement Coordinator. Mrs. Dunnigan can be reached at
Kajeet requests should be submitted here. If you've already requested a Kajeet, as soon as it is ready, you will be contacted. Thank you for your patience while the Goochland Technology Department prepares the Kajeets.
If you are interested in volunteering to help run the Garden Fairy Program, then please complete an interest form. Garden Fairies is a program run every Friday or every other Friday, depending on availability of volunteers. It is a 30 minute program that usually occurs at the very end of the day (1:45-2:15). During this time 1 to 2 students from each class join volunteers in the courtyard to work in raised beds and help maintain our outdoor learning space.
Helpful information:
Byrd Family Engagement Policy
Byrd Handbook
Goochland Elementary Schools Handbook
School Lunch Menu (breakfast and lunch free for all interested students)
School Hours:
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Arrival: 7:45am - 8:00am
Instructional Hours: 8:00am - 2:30pm
Dismissal: 2:30pm
School Contacts:
Principal - James Hopkins
Nurse - Anne Taylor Britton
Counselor - Ashley Lawson
Office -
Tobie Greenlee, Administrative Assistant
Rebecca Wroten, Bookkeeper/Secretary